Household Workers Insurance
At your place of residence do you: employ a cleaner? employ a ironing lady? employ a nanny/baby sitter for your children? employ a gardener? If the answer is yes to any of these did you know that you are required to have HOUSEHOLD WORKERS’ INSURANCE POLICY to cover you against potential compensation costs if the […]
Safety Alert – Fatality in Maleny
There are a number of alerts available on the WHS Division. On the 4th February, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland was investigating a fatal incident that happened in Maleny. The worker later died in hospital of a chest injury he sustained when a disc shattered while he was using a nine inch grinder. On the […]
Industry Targeted by the WHS Division
Is your industry the 1 of 7 that WHS Division are targeting? Seven Queensland industry sectors have been identified as requiring targeted efforts to improve safety in order to keep the state’s work injury rates trending down. Recent statistics show that the serious injury claim rate for the following targeted sectors were much higher than […]