Asbestos in imported building products

Asbestos has been banned in Australia since the 80’s but our workers are facing exposure from imported building products from China Many of us think the risk of exposure to Asbestos in today’s society is from products already in houses and buildings that are being renovated or demolished. Well think again! Somehow the Chinese have […]
Damage of wipes in toilets

Are you flushing wipes down the toilet? If the answer is yes….you could be hit with a expensive clean up cost. Wipes (even if they indicate they are toilet safe) MUST not be flushed down the toilet. “Only human waste and toilet paper should ever be flushed down the toilet” Surveys done in regions show […]
Household Workers Insurance

At your place of residence do you: employ a cleaner? employ a ironing lady? employ a nanny/baby sitter for your children? employ a gardener? If the answer is yes to any of these did you know that you are required to have HOUSEHOLD WORKERS’ INSURANCE POLICY to cover you against potential compensation costs if the […]
3-6 Weeks Labour Free

Do you want to know how to get 3-6 weeks labour FREE for your business? SO NOW I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!! Some of you may have heard of ”Host Employer” under the Queensland WorkCover scheme. If you haven’t, then please read on. Returning an injured worker to their existing employer is not always possible as the employer […]
Safety Alert – Fatality in Maleny

There are a number of alerts available on the WHS Division. On the 4th February, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland was investigating a fatal incident that happened in Maleny. The worker later died in hospital of a chest injury he sustained when a disc shattered while he was using a nine inch grinder. On the […]
Industry Targeted by the WHS Division

Is your industry the 1 of 7 that WHS Division are targeting? Seven Queensland industry sectors have been identified as requiring targeted efforts to improve safety in order to keep the state’s work injury rates trending down. Recent statistics show that the serious injury claim rate for the following targeted sectors were much higher than […]
Jason’s Story

The following is a story of a young man taken to early from his family due to a workplace incident in Clermont in 2012 Jason’s story, takes a confronting, very honest look into the heartache of losing a son and a mate to a preventable workplace incident. Jason Garrels was just 20 years old when […]
Oil and Water

Did you know that as little as half a litre of oil, can cause an oil slick the size of a football field if it reaches water? Why is oil such as concern to the environment? It can take up to 20 years for an aquatic eco-system to recover from an oil spill. The heavy […]
Electricity Saving tips

Is your electricity bill way too high? Here are some tips to help you save on electricity at home and the workplace. Computers Where practical, use laptop computers which use up to 90% less electricity than desktop computers Because much of a computer’s electricity usage is for the monitor, choose LCD or LED monitors which […]
How many people do you know?

How many people do you know? In Queensland 1 in 25 workers are injured every year and 1 in 70 workers suffer a serious injury. Those numbers are crazy! Look around where you work or your circle of friends. How many people do you know that are potentially an injury waiting to happen? Everyone can […]